
hi, my name’s swufin, and you just landed on my website! i made this site to give a glimpse into my life and also share some of my social media accounts. if you're wondering where to find me online, i go by the same username @swufin pretty much everywhere.

about me

i'm just a random autist on the internet who happens to enjoy exploring different forms of art, including music production and drawing! i also have some experience with scripting and hope to work on an indie game in the future, when i have enough time. being somebody who's born in 2007, it's no surprise that i have an interest for older internet media. games and animations on flash were especially things i've enjoyed in my childhood! ...people still remember that, right?

aside from my chronic nostalgia tendencies, i love doing art trades with other people on my free time! it's fun getting to draw other characters as they are all unique in their own ways, which makes this special for me.
